Results for 'Dick Willem Peter Ruiter'

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  1.  13
    Een eenvoudig model van de vorming van Belgische federale regeringscoalities.Peter Willemé - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (1):95-111.
    In this article a simpte model of Belgian government coalition formation is proposed. lts main advantages over the traditional game theoretical approach are, first, its dynamic nature and, second, the fact that only one coalition is predicted per 'game '. As a result of the latter characteristic, the integration of this coalition formation submodel in a larger politico-economic model should be far less complicated. Moreover, statistical tests indicate that the proposed model works at least as good as the traditional theories, (...)
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  2. A Basic Classification of Legal Institutions.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (4):357-371.
  3. (1 other version)Political Disagreement, Moral Misinformation, and Affective Polarization.Ritsaart Willem Peter Reimann & Mark Alfano - 2024 - In Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter & Rach Cosker-Rowland, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter addresses the relationship between misinformation and disagreement. We begin by arguing that one traditional bogeyman in this domain, ideological polarization, does not account for the many problems that have been documented. Instead, affective polarization seems to be the root cause of most of these problems. We then discuss the relationships between moral outrage, misinformation, and affective polarization. We next turn to the political implications of affective polarization and conclude by discussing some potential solutions to the problems that arise (...)
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    Class Is Not Dead—It Has Been Buried Alive: Class Voting and Cultural Voting in Postwar Western Societies.Dick Houtman, Peter Achterberg & Jeroen van der Waal - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (3):403-426.
    By means of a reanalysis of the most relevant data source—the International Social Mobility and Politics File—this article criticizes the newly grown consensus in political sociology that class voting has declined since World War II. An increase in crosscutting cultural voting, rooted in educational differences rather than a decline in class voting, proves responsible for the decline of traditional class-party alignments. Moreover, income differences have not become less but more consequential for voting behavior during this period. It is concluded that (...)
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  5.  66
    Legal validity qua specific mode of existence.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (5):479 - 505.
    The author investigates how the conception of legal validity as a specific mode of existence, adopted by Kelsen in Allgemeine Theorie der Normen (General Theory of Norms), can be reconciled with a conception of the legal system in which conflicts of legal norms remain of logical concern. To this end he makes use of Ludwig Wittgenstein's picture theory of the proposition as set out in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. The conclusion is that in order to reconcile the two conceptions, the legal (...)
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  6. Eine rechtstheoretisch fundierte Typologie gesetzlicher Rechtsnormen.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 1986 - Rechtstheorie 17:478-500.
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  7. Legal Powers.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson, Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Structuring legal institutions.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 1998 - Law and Philosophy 17 (3):215 - 232.
    The article is concerned with the question of how legal institutions are structured with the use of constitutive, institutive, consequential, and terminative rules. To that end, the regulation of international treaties as laid down in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 is analysed. This leads to the discovery of two additional categories of rules: content rules and invalidating rules. Finally, the special status of unique legal institutions is investigated. Unique legal institutions – for example, heads of (...)
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  9.  41
    Types of Institutions as Patterns of Regulated Behaviour.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (3):207-231.
    Nowadays, neo-institutionalistic approaches are prominent in economics, political science, the science of public administration and sociology. There is a general complaint about the vagueness of the concept of institutions and the apparent disparity of phenomena falling under it. This article shows how institutional legal theory provides a typology of institutions as sets of rules and corresponding patterns of regulated behaviour that can help to avert much confusion. The typologys usefulness is tested by applying it to an array of private governance (...)
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  10.  37
    (1 other version)Costly Displays in a Digital World: Signalling Trustworthiness on Social Media.Ritsaart Willem Peter Reimann - 2022 - Social Epistemology 1 (N/A).
    Placing our trust wisely is both difficult and important. The challenge of knowing who to trust inheres at least partially in the fact that coinciding interests cannot be taken for granted, and that language, as the principal medium through which would-be interactants make their interests known, doesn’t discriminate between true and feigned proclamations of good intent. Because our patterns of trust partition the world into reliable and unreliable sources, trust is also important: it determines how we distribute our social and (...)
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  11.  23
    Health data research on sudden cardiac arrest: perspectives of survivors and their next-of-kin.Dick L. Willems, Hanno L. Tan, Marieke T. Blom, Rens Veeken & Marieke A. R. Bak - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundConsent for data research in acute and critical care is complex as patients become at least temporarily incapacitated or die. Existing guidelines and regulations in the European Union are of limited help and there is a lack of literature about the use of data from this vulnerable group. To aid the creation of a patient-centred framework for responsible data research in the acute setting, we explored views of patients and next-of-kin about the collection, storage, sharing and use of genetic and (...)
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  12.  81
    Managing one's body using self-management techniques: Practicing autonomy.Dick Willems - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (1):23-38.
    This paper discusses some of the anthropological andphilosophical features of the use of self-managementplans by patients with a chronic disease, focusing onpatients with asthma. Characteristics of thistechnologically mediated form of self-care arecontrasted with the work of Mauss and Foucault on bodytechniques and techniques of self. The similaritiesand differences between self-management of asthma andFoucault's technologies of self highlight some of theways in which self-management contributes tomodifications in the definitions of patients andphysicians. Patients, in measuring their lungfunction, first come to rely on (...)
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  13. Polarization and trust in the evolution of vaccine discourse on Twitter during COVID-19.Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Ritsaart Willem Peter Reimann, Marc Cheong, Mark Robert Alfano & Colin Klein - 2022 - PLoS ONE 12 (17):e0277292.
    Trust in vaccination is eroding, and attitudes about vaccination have become more polarized. This is an observational study of Twitter analyzing the impact that COVID-19 had on vaccine discourse. We identify the actors, the language they use, how their language changed, and what can explain this change. First, we find that authors cluster into several large, interpretable groups, and that the discourse was greatly affected by American partisan politics. Over the course of our study, both Republicans and Democrats entered the (...)
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  14.  70
    Balancing rationalities: gatekeeping in health care.Dick L. Willems - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):25-29.
    Physicians are increasingly confronted with the consequences of allocation policies. In several countries, physicians have been assigned a gatekeeper role for secondary health care. Many ethicists oppose this assignment for several reasons, concentrating on the harm the intrusion of societal arguments would inflict on doctor-patient relations. It is argued that these arguments rest on a distinction of spheres of values and of rationality, without taking into account the mixing of values and rationalities that takes place in everyday medical practice. If (...)
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  15.  40
    Problems with the electronic health record.Hans-Peter de Ruiter, Joan Liaschenko & Jan Angus - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):49-58.
    One of the most significant changes in modern healthcare delivery has been the evolution of the paper record to the electronic health record (EHR). In this paper we argue that the primary change has been a shift in the focus of documentation from monitoring individual patient progress to recording data pertinent to Institutional Priorities (IPs). The specific IPs to which we refer include: finance/reimbursement; risk management/legal considerations; quality improvement/safety initiatives; meeting regulatory and accreditation standards; and patient care delivery/evidence based practice. (...)
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  16. Why Fly? Prudential Value, Climate Change, and the Ethics of Long-distance Leisure Travel.Dick Timmer & Willem van der Deijl - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (5):689-707.
    We argue that the prudential benefits of long-distance leisure travel can justify such trips even though there are strong and important reasons against long-distance flying. This is because prudential benefits can render otherwise impermissible actions permissible, and because, according to dominant theories about wellbeing, long-distance leisure travel provides significant prudential benefits. However, this ‘wellbeing argument’ for long-distance leisure travel must be qualified in two ways. First, because travellers are epistemically privileged with respect to knowledge about what is good for them, (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Exploring the cognitive infrastructure of communication.Jan Peter de Ruiter, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Sarah Newman-Norlund, Roger Newman-Norlund, Peter Hagoort, Stephen C. Levinson & Ivan Toni - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (1):51-77.
    Human communication is often thought about in terms of transmitted messages in a conventional code like a language. But communication requires a specialized interactive intelligence. Senders have to be able to perform recipient design, while receivers need to be able to do intention recognition, knowing that recipient design has taken place. To study this interactive intelligence in the lab, we developed a new task that taps directly into the underlying abilities to communicate in the absence of a conventional code. We (...)
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  18.  40
    The particularity of dignity: relational engagement in care at the end of life.Jeannette Pols, Bernike Pasveer & Dick Willems - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):89-100.
    This paper articulates dignity as relational engagement in concrete care situations. Dignity is often understood as an abstract principle that represents inherent worth of all human beings. In actual care practices, this principle has to be substantiated in order to gain meaning and inform care activities. We describe three exemplary substantiations of the principle of dignity in care: as a state or characteristic of a situation; as a way to differentiate between socio-cultural positions; or as personal meaning. We continue our (...)
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  19.  36
    An Interview with Jean-François Lyotard.Willem van Reijen & Dick Veerman - 1988 - Theory, Culture and Society 5 (2-3):277-309.
  20. Technology in medicine: Ontology, epistemology, ethics and social philosophy at the crossroads.Rein Vos & Dick L. Willems - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (1):1-7.
    In reference to the different approaches in philosophy(of medicine) of the nature of (medical) technology,this article introduces the topic of this specialissue of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, that is,the way the different forms of medical technologyfunction in everyday medical practice. The authorselaborate on the active role technology plays inshaping our views on disease, illness, and the body,whence in shaping our world.
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  21.  34
    Contextual Exceptionalism After Death: An Information Ethics Approach to Post-Mortem Privacy in Health Data Research.Marieke A. R. Bak & Dick L. Willems - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-20.
    In this article, we use the theory of Information Ethics to argue that deceased people have a prima facie moral right to privacy in the context of health data research, and that this should be reflected in regulation and guidelines. After death, people are no longer biological subjects but continue to exist as informational entities which can still be harmed/damaged. We find that while the instrumental value of recognising post-mortem privacy lies in the preservation of the social contract for health (...)
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  22.  38
    Solicitude: balancing compassion and empowerment in a relational ethics of hope—an empirical-ethical study in palliative care.Erik Olsman, Dick Willems & Carlo Leget - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (1):11-20.
    The ethics of hope has often been understood as a conflict between duties: do not lie versus do not destroy hope. However, such a way of framing the ethics of hope may easily place healthcare professionals at the side of realism and patients at the side of hope. That leaves unexamined relational dimensions of hope. The objective of this study was to describe a relational ethics of hope based on the perspectives of palliative care patients, their family members and their (...)
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  23.  39
    The Contribution of the Capabilities Approach to Reconciling Culturally Competent Care and Nondiscrimination.Suzanne van de Vathorst, Dick Willems & Marie-Louise Essink-Bot - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (8):47-48.
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  24.  47
    Risk detection in individual health care: Any limits?Ger Palmboom & Dick Willems - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (8):431-438.
    Background: Biomedical science is producing an avalanche of data about risk factors, often with a small predictive value, associated with a broad diversity of diseases. Prevention and screening are increasingly moving from public health into the clinic. Therefore, the question of which risk factors to investigate and disclose in the individual patient, becomes ethically increasingly urgent. In line with Wilson and Jungner's public health-related 10 principles for screening, it seems crucial to distinguish important from unimportant health risks.Aim: to explore the (...)
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  25.  41
    Influence of response shift and disposition on patient-reported outcomes may lead to suboptimal medical decisions: a medical ethics perspective.Iris D. Hartog, Dick L. Willems, Wilbert B. van den Hout, Michael Scherer-Rath, Tom H. Oreel, José P. S. Henriques, Pythia T. Nieuwkerk, Hanneke W. M. van Laarhoven & Mirjam A. G. Sprangers - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-7.
    Patient-reported outcomes are frequently used for medical decision making, at the levels of both individual patient care and healthcare policy. Evidence increasingly shows that PROs may be influenced by patients’ response shifts and dispositions. We identify how response shifts and dispositions may influence medical decisions on both the levels of individual patient care and health policy. We provide examples of these influences and analyse the consequences from the perspectives of ethical principles and theories of just distribution. If influences of response (...)
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  26.  26
    Exploring the Meaning of Organizational Purpose at a New Dawn: The Development of a Conceptual Model Through Expert Interviews.Ramon van Ingen, Pascale Peters, Melanie De Ruiter & Henry Robben - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Organizational purpose has flourished in the professional management literature, yet despite increased scholarly interest, academic knowledge and empirical research on the topic remain scarce. Moreover, studies that have been conducted contain important oversights including the lack of a clear conceptualization and misinterpretations that hinder the further development and understanding of organizational purpose. In view of these shortcomings, our interview study aimed to contribute to academic and societal conversations on the contemporary meaning and function of organizational purpose considering the voices and (...)
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  27.  74
    Some notes on priming, alignment, and self-monitoring.Niels O. Schiller & Jan Peter de Ruiter - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):208-209.
    Any complete theory of speaking must take the dialogical function of language use into account. Pickering & Garrod (P&G) make some progress on this point. However, we question whether their interactive alignment model is the optimal approach. In this commentary, we specifically criticize (1) their notion of alignment being implemented through priming, and (2) their claim that self-monitoring can occur at all levels of linguistic representation.
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  28.  92
    Correction: Ethical use of artificial intelligence to prevent sudden cardiac death: an interview study of patient perspectives.Menno T. Maris, Ayca Koçar, Dick L. Willems, Jeannette Pols, Hanno L. Tan, Georg L. Lindinger & Marieke A. R. Bak - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-2.
    BackgroundThe emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine has prompted the development of numerous ethical guidelines, while the involvement of patients in the creation of these documents lags behind. As part of the European PROFID project we explore patient perspectives on the ethical implications of AI in care for patients at increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD).AimExplore perspectives of patients on the ethical use of AI, particularly in clinical decision-making regarding the implantation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).MethodsSemi-structured, future scenario-based (...)
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  29.  63
    Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases.Marianne C. Snijdewind, Donald G. van Tol, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Dick L. Willems - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):292-296.
    Background Since the enactment of the euthanasia law in the Netherlands, there has been a lively public debate on assisted dying that may influence the way patients talk about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide with their physicians and the way physicians experience the practice of EAS. Aim To show what developments physicians see in practice and how they perceive the influence of the public debate on the practice of EAS. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 28 Dutch (...)
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  30.  36
    Examining the “Best of Both Worlds” of Grammatical Evolution.Peter Whigham, Grant Dick, James Maclaurin & Caitlin Owen - 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation 2015:1111-1118.
    Grammatical Evolution (GE) has a long history in evolutionary computation. Central to the behaviour of GE is the use of a linear representation and grammar to map individuals from search spaces into problem spaces. This genotype to phenotype mapping is often argued as a distinguishing property of GE relative to other techniques, such as context-free grammar genetic programming (CFG-GP). Since its initial description, GE research has attempted to incorporate information from the grammar into crossover, mutation, and individual initialisation, blurring the (...)
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  31.  72
    Can physicians conceive of performing euthanasia in case of psychiatric disease, dementia or being tired of living?Eva Elizabeth Bolt, Marianne C. Snijdewind, Dick L. Willems, Agnes van der Heide & Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):592-598.
  32.  41
    Ethical Advice for an Intensive Care Triage Protocol in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from The Netherlands.Marcel Verweij, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Maartje Schermer, Dick Willems & Martine de Vries - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):157-165.
    At the height of the COVID-19 crisis in the Netherlands a shortness of intensive care beds was looming. Dutch professional medical organizations asked a group of ethicists for assistance in drafting guidelines and criteria for selection of patients for intensive care treatment in case of absolute scarcity, when medical selection criteria would no longer suffice. This article describes the Dutch context, the process of drafting the advice and reflects on the role of ethicists and lessons learned. We argue that timely (...)
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  33.  48
    Parents who wish no further treatment for their child.Mirjam A. de Vos, Antje A. Seeber, Sjef K. M. Gevers, Albert P. Bos, Ferry Gevers & Dick L. Willems - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (2):195-200.
    Background In the ethical and clinical literature, cases of parents who want treatment for their child to be withdrawn against the views of the medical team have not received much attention. Yet resolution of such conflicts demands much effort of both the medical team and parents. Objective To discuss who can best protect a child9s interests, which often becomes a central issue, putting considerable pressure on mutual trust and partnership. Methods We describe the case of a 3-year-old boy with acquired (...)
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  34.  35
    Witnessing Quality of Life of Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities. A practical-Philosophical Approach.Erik Olsman, Appolonia M. Nieuwenhuijse & Dick L. Willems - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (2):144-153.
    Persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities cannot speak about their Quality of Life, which makes it necessary to involve others. In current approaches, these ‘others’ are seen as assessors trying to describe QoL as objectively as possible, which involves a reduction of their experiences, through which they develop knowledge on the QoL of the person with PIMD. The objective of this paper is to give caregivers’ knowledge on the QoL of a person with PIMD a theoretical basis that values (...)
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  35.  95
    Understanding Palliative Cancer Chemotherapy: About Shared Decisions and Shared Trajectories.Susanne J. de Kort, Jeannette Pols, Dick J. Richel, Nelleke Koedoot & Dick L. Willems - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):164-174.
    Most models of patient-physician communication take decision-making as a central concept. However, we found that often the treatment course of metastatic cancer patients is not easy to describe in straightforward terms used in decision-making models but is instead frequently more erratic. Our aim was to analyse these processes as trajectories. We used a longitudinal case study of 13 patients with metastatic colorectal and pancreatic cancer for whom palliative chemotherapy was a treatment option, and analysed 65 semi-structured interviews. We analysed three (...)
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  36.  69
    Recipient design in tacit communication.Sarah E. Newman-Norlund, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Roger D. Newman-Norlund, Inge A. C. Volman, Jan Peter de Ruiter, Peter Hagoort & Ivan Toni - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):46-54.
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  37.  67
    Research monitoring by US medical institutions to protect human subjects: compliance or quality improvement?Jean Philippe de Jong, Myra C. B. van Zwieten & Dick L. Willems - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):236-241.
    In recent years, to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects, institutions in the USA have begun to set up programmes to monitor ongoing medical research. These programmes provide routine, onsite oversight, and thus go beyond existing oversight such as investigating suspected misconduct or reviewing paperwork provided by investigators. However, because of a lack of guidelines and evidence, institutions have had little guidance in setting up their programmes. To help institutions make the right choices, we used interviews and document (...)
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  38.  8
    Nrima- a particular Javanese value and its impact on healthcare.Agnes Bhakti Pratiwi, Retna Siwi Padmawati & Dick L. Willems - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    People in Java traditionally internalise the value of ‘nrima’. It is a verb, from the noun ‘ trima’ in Javanese language (box 1). The closest word to ‘nrima’ in English is acceptance, although the meaning in local wisdom is deeper. Historically, the concept is known as ‘ nrima ing pandhum’, which means a wholehearted, sincere and grateful acceptance of life events (usually unfortunate) that are given to us. This nrima attitude will result in resilience, perseverance and adaptability in facing adversity. (...)
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  39.  22
    Towards trust-based governance of health data research.Marieke A. R. Bak, M. Corrette Ploem, Hanno L. Tan, M. T. Blom & Dick L. Willems - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (2):185-200.
    Developments in medical big data analytics may bring societal benefits but are also challenging privacy and other ethical values. At the same time, an overly restrictive data protection regime can form a serious threat to valuable observational studies. Discussions about whether data privacy or data solidarity should be the foundational value of research policies, have remained unresolved. We add to this debate with an empirically informed ethical analysis. First, experiences with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within (...)
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  40. Body-specific representations of action verbs: Evidence from fMRI in right-and left-handers.Daniel Casasanto, Roel Willems & Peter Hagoort - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 875--880.
  41.  58
    When Fiction Is Just as Real as Fact: No Differences in Reading Behavior between Stories Believed to be Based on True or Fictional Events.Franziska Hartung, Peter Withers, Peter Hagoort & Roel M. Willems - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Simultaneous measurement and joint probability distributions in quantum mechanics.Willem M. de Muynck, Peter A. E. M. Janssen & Alexander Santman - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (1-2):71-122.
    The problem of simultaneous measurement of incompatible observables in quantum mechanics is studied on the one hand from the viewpoint of an axiomatic treatment of quantum mechanics and on the other hand starting from a theory of measurement. It is argued that it is precisely such a theory of measurement that should provide a meaning to the axiomatically introduced concepts, especially to the concept of observable. Defining an observable as a class of measurement procedures yielding a certain prescribed result for (...)
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  43.  24
    Entrainment and Synchronization to Auditory Stimuli During Walking in Healthy and Neurological Populations: A Methodological Systematic Review.Lousin Moumdjian, Jeska Buhmann, Iris Willems, Peter Feys & Marc Leman - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  44.  60
    Differences in cerebral cortical anatomy of left- and right-handers.Tulio Guadalupe, Roel M. Willems, Marcel P. Zwiers, Alejandro Arias Vasquez, Martine Hoogman, Peter Hagoort, Guillen Fernandez, Jan Buitelaar, Barbara Franke, Simon E. Fisher & Clyde Francks - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  45.  19
    The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, early and recent life stress, and cognitive endophenotypes of depression.Anne-Wil Kruijt, Peter Putman & Willem Van der Does - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (7):1149-1163.
    Studies associating interactions of 5-HTTLPR and life adversities with depression have yielded equivocal results. Studying endophenotypes may constitute a more powerful approach. In the current study, it was assessed whether interactions of 5-HTTLPR with childhood emotional abuse (CEA) and recent negative life events (RNLE) affect possible cognitive endophenotypes of depression, namely, attention-allocation bias and the ability to recognise others' mind states in 215 young adults of North-West European descent. The ability to classify others' negative mind states was found to be (...)
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  46. The Future of the sciences and humanities: four analytical essays and a critical debate on the future of scholastic endeavour.James W. McAllister, Peter A. J. Tindemans, Verrijn Stuart, A. A. & Robert Paul Willem Visser (eds.) - 2002 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    A discussion of the future of interdisciplinary research.
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    Good Listeners, Wise Crowds, and Parasitic Experts.Jan-Willem Romeijn, Tom Sterkenburg & Peter Grünwald - 2012 - Analyse & Kritik 34 (2):399-408.
    This article comments on the article of Thorn and Schurz in this volume and focuses on, what we call, the problem of parasitic experts. We discuss that both meta- induction and crowd wisdom can be understood as pertaining to absolute reliability rather than comparative optimality, and we suggest that the involvement of reliability will provide a handle on this problem.
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    Adorno: an introduction.Willem van Reijen, Peter Schiefelbein & Hans-Martin Lohmann - 1992 - Philadelphia: Pennbridge Books. Edited by Peter Schiefelbein & Hans-Martin Lohmann.
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  49.  16
    SINGER, Peter, Questions d'éthique pratiqueSINGER, Peter, Questions d'éthique pratique.Willem Fortin - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (2):445-446.
  50.  29
    In Medias Res: Peter Sloterdijk's Spherological Poetics of Being.Willem Schinkel & Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens (eds.) - 2011 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    This book makes his work accessible to a wider audience by putting it to work in orientation towards current issues.
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